Path Property

Returns a String indicating the full path of a ScopeFolder object. Read-only.


expression    Required. An expression that returns a ScopeFolder object.


The following example displays the root path of each directory in My Computer. To retrieve this information, the example first gets the ScopeFolder object at the root of My Computer. The path of this ScopeFolder will always be "*". As with all ScopeFolder objects, the root object contains a ScopeFolders collection. This example loops through this ScopeFolders collection and displays the path of each ScopeFolder object in it. The paths of these ScopeFolder objects will be "A:\", "C:\", etc.

Sub DisplayRootScopeFolders()

    'Declare variables that reference a
    'SearchScope and a ScopeFolder object.
    Dim ss As SearchScope
    Dim sf As ScopeFolder

    'Use a With...End With block to reference the
    'FileSearch object.
    With Application.FileSearch

        'Loop through the SearchScopes collection
        'and display all of the root ScopeFolders collections in
        'the My Computer scope.
        For Each ss In .SearchScopes
            Select Case ss.Type
                Case msoSearchInMyComputer

                    'Loop through each ScopeFolder collections in
                    'the ScopeFolders collection of the
                    'SearchScope object and display the path.
                    For Each sf In ss.ScopeFolder.ScopeFolders
                        MsgBox "Path: " & sf.Path
                    Next sf

                Case Else
            End Select
        Next ss
    End With
End Sub